The legend that is Gilerbto Silva is avaliable for transfer! His stats are as follows and there arent many like him around, especialy from a defensive standpoint
Age 33, 9-4-9 Talent 4 Value £14.6m Bonus Tackle +1, Pass +1
His age is against him, but I sincerely doubt he will retire soon having been a linch pin of the side for many seasons and a thrist to play football. He managed 20+ games for me last season without injury - so dont let this put you off
Due to his age, I will entertain offers lower than normal, and you are always guranteed a reply from me! email me at, pm me on the board or leave a reply here and ill get back to you
I will also entertain player swaps for younger CMS, Strikers or a high rated goalkeeper and any combinations of cash and players
This is a chance to bag a superstar for your club - they dont come along very often!!