How do you spell your surname chaps? Its spelt differently on the teamsheet page - so ive put both spellings in the league table - one of you let me know which it is and ill fix it for next week
its spelt Galeozzie - I think Rich was having a bad day when I applied cos not only did he give me Preston, he put my name down as Matt Galeozzi - and to be fair i never bothered correcting him.
Sorry to be a pain in the arse - but both bets cant count im afraid - clear in the rules chaps
ANY editing of posts = void bet ANY bet after the deadline = void bet
REPEATED offences of either of the above = 2 week Ban from betting
I dont think its that hard to stick to the rules as I tend to have all the bets up on the monday by monday night. If you are at work or something and cant get on the board - send me an email or PM - i dont mind - but posting after the deadline seems like a weak excuse to me personally - plenty of other people manage it just fine :) if everyone does there betting before thursday there really isnt a problem is there?
I think that is fair to stamp it out early and then I dont have to be the Beat the Odds posting Police :)
ahh Beat the Odds police, they could join the Double Box police of ye olde days...
Ah the good old Double Box Police - how they are missed...............!:)
Ive got a new one rearing its head actually Mr Jenkins
I make all the Beat the Odds stuff in excel from the odds generator I have from Rich - and whenever I cut and paste the tables onto the board - it keeps changing the text alignment! So after posting I normally have to then manually edit it to left, right or centre text,but only on the random rows the message board doesnt like!
All very strange and done everything I can to fix it all in the original excel files - it stills happens when I cut and paste!
In these days of credit crunches and global terrorism - not the biggest problem in the world I grant you - but annoys the hell out of me each monday :)