David Knight Age :23 Stats: 5 2 5 1 Value: £1.9m will accept £1m
RB Diego Rodolfo Placente Age 34 Stats: 7 4 8 3 + bonus Tackle Value:£3.3m Placente is due to retire this season but would make a great assett for any team pushing for promotion available at knockdown price of £1.7m
LB Ben Parker Age: 21 Stats 5 2 4 1 Value 2m will accept 1m
LB Sebastian Hines Age: 23 Stats: 5 2 3 1 Value 1.7m will accept £1m
CM Carl Fletcher Age: 31 Stats 6 4 6 2 - Value £4.6m Will Accept £3.5m
CM Lee Williamson Age:29 Stats: 2 6 5 3 Value £4.3 - Will accept £3m
Might also look at offers for ST Marcelo Zalayeta Age: 33 (not due to retire) Stats 3 8 8 3 + Bonus shoot Played 7 scored 5 + 1 assist FA Value £8.4m