After the success of FAFF last season, I'll be looking to do it again for this season. Now that both you and I are more used to the set up, hopefully the first week will run a bit more smoothly this time around. First of all anyone who is interested please post on this thread. Once I have you have posted you can start picking your team, I'll put the rules up again just to refresh your minds and incase anyone new wants to join in. There will still be the £2.50 entrance payment but that wont have to be paid untill week 5.
If possible I'd like to have all teams in and get the FAFF season underway starting from week 1 (friday). If that's not possible then it will start from week 2 as it did last season. I'll be sending a PM to everyone who participated to direct them to this post and please spread the word to anyone who may want to get involved but wouldn't normally read this. Cheers.
Here are the rules:
£100 million to spend on 11 players
Teams may be allowed to change at halfway (depending on whether it clashes with exams for me) - managers will be notified at the time
Team to be sent to me in the style given and I will post them all at the same time in order to deter people from copying
If no payment has been made by week 5 the teams will be removed from FAFF.
Teams must have 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 formations.
1st prize wins an actual trophy as long as they send Richard their details at the end of the season for it to be posted, second and third also win internal FA prizes.
No more than 3 players to be picked from one FA team at the beginning of the season.
Managers may pick players from their own team
Any breach of these rules could result in a FAFF point deduction or removal from the league.
And please enter the correct values and spelling of the players. It shouldn't be too hard to copy correctly!
Here is the point system for FAFF:
2 points: for a game played 5 points: for a goal 3 points: for an assist 3 points: for a clean sheet (GK only)
-2 points: for a yellow -4 points: for a red
Could people use this format when picking their teams, copy and paste it onto a new message and PM it to me please:
Manager Name: FAFF Team Name: Formation (4-4-2/4-3-3):
It's been suggested I pick a team for this year as knowing how things works doesn't give me any advantage as to guessing what players will be picked by you guys. I will enter a team purely for your enjoyment to see how much you can beat me by, and while I don't expect to be anywhere near the top, if I did happen to come 1st by some miracle, the trophy would simply go to the next person down.
I've only had 7 teams which is half as many as last year. Was it really that bad that so many people don't want to do it again?
Would more people join if I left it until week 2 before starting so that everyone got had more time to prepare their teams instead of focusing on FA transfers (not that that's an excuse, 7 people managed to do both alright)
And remember the payments don't have to be done until week 5. Enter now pay later.
Upload it to an image hosting website then use the insert picture option in the advanced post area, and just paste the http address in the required section.
If you can't do that, just post the link and I'll edit it and make it the picture.
Once again congratulations to Mark for winning last years FAFF. And again, this years winner will also win a trophy, as long as they live within the UK for postal reasons!! Posted for Mark: