If you have moved clubs and I have the incorrect details for you in the weekly posts pleave a message here and I will update the table next week with the new update
SAJ also inquired about betting on clubs you are the chairman of - currently this is against the rules - but leave posts in an open discussion here if you want this changed
I dont see a problem with chairman bidding on the club they own myself. Chairman cant put in teamsheets, sure they could ask to know the team but I could just as easily ask a lot of people for there team and would get it.
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at ccfc999@hotmail.com
The advantage is minimal I reckon, and the irony is I caht about team selection with other friends on the game just as much if not more than a manager that I happen to be chairman of
Like I said - people can cast the deciding vote with their comments on this one chaps
On other thing I was going to propose was a general relaxing of the deadline for posting
We all have lives outside of FA, and punishing people for marginally skipping the 4pm deadline is something I really take no pleasure from - so on occasion - and with good reason (having to work late, taking the missus out etc etc) - id suggest rules can become more generous providided
1. No radio games are up yet 2. it is a one off and doesnt happen every week 3. you have not picked up any info you can use from the message board or chat rooms where FA is discussed (im on most of them so can police this lol)
It requires self governance from BTO players though and you cant take the piss with it
What do people think of this generally though?
Obviously its simpler for me to say 4pm deadline, you snooze you lose, and the same rule applies to all - but id prefer to have a little leway so people arent punished for things outside of their control
All of this can be avoided with early betting - so it only affects those who want to bet late on the day / copy other peoples so perhaps its best left as is
Having said that - I know some people are as busy as me - and a good example being ive been trying to do my FAFF team for the last 2 weeks and still havent found time - some people do the same with BTO lol
I think the consensus from this thread is that people dont see it as an issue. Ill leave this thread open over the weekend for any late objectors - otherwise people can bet on clubs they won from next week on
I dont have a problem you betting on Arsenal this week to be honest mate
Hows about this - anyone who doesnt think its fair to allow chairman betting on clubs this week - you have untill 2pm tomorrow to raise an objection - otherwise chairman can bet on their clubs this week?