You won't be forced to take anyone else to be able to loan these, you can take one, both....can be to different clubs, can be half season, full season etc, all I ask is they play 100% games.
PM me if you are interested, first person to confirm will get either player...simples!
Well no I guess not 100% condition free but as it's a condition that is set with 99.9% of loans....there's nothing else attached than you'd normally expect.
jop it is a little better than your norml take my great st 65-1-4-3-1 but you must take my cb 88-1-1-1-1 and they must play every game or i will come and steal your car kind of offer lol
Norwich City 1-2 Real Betis 3 Real Murcia 4 Sunderland 4-6 Recreativo 7-8 Atalanta 8-