Please see below for a list of players available for transfer from Leicester City. Amounts (£) are values and not what I would accept. Open to offers on all as I appreciate they are squad players...
Some decent squad players here, who have done very well for Leicester City!
Asier Riesgo GK (33) 6 1 3 2 Value = £1.5million
Hamza Bencherif RB (27) 6 2 4 2 Value = £3.1million
Jonathan Hayes RM (22) 1 6 6 2 Value = £3.2million
Miguel Perez Cuesta CM (27) 6 2 4 1 Value = £2.0million
Yoann Folly CM (27) 6 1 5 2 Value = £2.5million
Joseba Garmienda CM (31) 3 6 5 2 Value = £3.5million