A few people commented on the lack of replies they get from some other managers in the game and while some I know are active and as such its simply their choice to reply or not, I appreciate transfers is a big part of the game and filling the game would benefit everyone.
Firstly I don't have the time to micro manage every unmanaged club. Just putting in 11 players a week is as much as I would want to stretch to although obviously I will deal with transfer requests when they come in.
Secondly, you have to buy from me if they remain unmanaged. I'm aware I don't give away players and realistically if you have a friend in the game at another club, they will probably give you a better deal for a player than I could, plus they would be easier to negotiate with than me because of my time restraints and also if its someone you see in work/school/where ever, then that will speed any negotiations faster than I could ever do.
If a manager joins the game and states you as the person who recommended the game to them in their application, AND they remain an active player for a set amount of time minimum, you could be rewarded with a free Football Kit Token, which can be traded in for entrance into the FA Badge courses will will begin running this coming season. Achieving an FA Badge Level will entitle managers to bonus skills inside the game, although courses will be run at specific times, and managers will have to pay or use a Football Kit Token to enter a course.
The game will offer you a much wider range of negotiating possibilities the more managers are playing. I hope we can fill some of the vacant positions before the season kicks off in a weeks time.
Three new managers have been given teams in the last week. Thanks to the three existing members who recommended it and got them into the game. If they stay active you'll be getting your free entry into the first FA Badge course when they first one takes place.
FA Badges will entitle managers to bonus abilities. As with real life Coaching Badges you will have to pass a course to qualify, but will win these bonus abilities if you do.
Unless you win a free entry you can use your managers wages when a course becomes available to buy an entry.