Hi All
The following are available for sale or swap
CB Loovens 33 6272 Val 1.5 will only swap for a younger CB of similar value.
LB Troiano 31 3661 Val 2.4
CM Gardner 30 2652 Val 2.9
CM De Rossi 32 5 9 10 4 +1 Shoot Form 8.8 Val 15.1 - already had an enquiry so you need to be quick
ST Gilardino 34 2992 +1 Shoot Form 8.4 Val 6.7
Drop me a line. I am after the following in any swops in this order of preference roughly anyway CB LM GK ST.
De Rossi sold, subject to details.
Others still available.
Given Gillardino's age I would expect offers that reflect this.
JD Wolves
UpdatedGK Lonergan 33 6161 Form 8.0 val £0.8m Can go for half price £0.4mCB Loovens 33 6272 Val 1.5 Half Price £0.8m SOLD SUBJECT TO UPDATELB Troiano 31 3661 Val 2.4 Price £1.4CM Gardner 30 2652 Val 2.9 Half Price £1.5mST Gilardino 34 2992 +1 Shoot Form 8.4 Val 6.7 SOLD I am after the following in any swops in this order of preference roughly anyway LM CB ST.JDWolves
GK Lonergan 33 6161 Form 8.0 val £0.8m Can go for half price £0.4m
CB Loovens 33 6272 Val 1.5 Half Price £0.8m SOLD SUBJECT TO UPDATE
LB Troiano 31 3661 Val 2.4 Price £1.4
CM Gardner 30 2652 Val 2.9 Half Price £1.5m
ST Gilardino 34 2992 +1 Shoot Form 8.4 Val 6.7 SOLD
I am after the following in any swops in this order of preference roughly anyway LM CB ST.
-- Edited by Jozz on Tuesday 4th of October 2011 10:50:30 PM
offer sent