I have now been let down by two 'reliable' managers in the first few weeks of the season, the first deal was arranged and confirmed and then 40mins later he decided he then couldnt purchase him so pulled out, although disappointed i hadnt agreed any deals on the back of it so it only really affected me.
I then set up a deal for the same player which was again confirmed by another 'reliable' manager, i PM him this morning to confirm the deal which was agreed over a week ago and he informs me that he can no longer afford the player. This time i had three deals lined up on the back of the investment this deal was bringing in, i now have to let down three other reliable managers who i had deals agreed with because this person has now decided to pull out.
I know the start of the season is busy for everyone but i have managed to keep track of all my deals and they have all gone through so why can other people not do the same. People need to be made to stick to the deals or get harsh punishments for pulling out.
I'm so angry at the moment i really am thinking about leaving the game. It's not the fact the deal broke down but the fact i have to let down three other managers whose players i can now not afford thanks to this guy deciding he cant afford him. It's pathetic.
Jamie Best Newcastle United Premier League
Genoa - Season 7 Arsenal - Season 6 Inter Milan - Seasons 4-5 Wolves - Seasons 1-3
This has happened to me a few times in the last few seasons - so much so that ive actually stopped arranging follow on deals until I see it in black and white via completed transfers
I take the hit that team construction takes longer - but on the flip side I dont have to let anyone down off the back of something I cannot control
You could of course argue that this is how it should be done and you shouldnt be arranging deals until the money is in your account
But I would prefer for people to have some good conscious about their dealings and stick to something if agreed. As I recall from the past - I had one agreed deal that was actually stuck to even when the manager found someone he could have for cheaper. But he felt he should stick to the original deal and keep his word - that is what I would like to see more of as its what I would have done in the same situation
I see your point Simon, and in the past i have done excatly that with new/inexperienced or unreliable managers but i have never felt the need to doubt any of the 'reliable' managers and i am sure that plenty of managers set up deals based on the agreements on other deals and 9 times out of 10 these go through no problem.
It would be easier to accept if it was an admin error like we put it through different weeks or for different amounts etc but not when they pull out because they have decided to spend the money elsewhere and dont bother telling you!
It's just ridiculously frustrating!
Jamie Best Newcastle United Premier League
Genoa - Season 7 Arsenal - Season 6 Inter Milan - Seasons 4-5 Wolves - Seasons 1-3
In a way it makes it very realistic although I dont like it either. In the real world deals collapse, players stay or go, managers get a better deal elsewhere. In some respects its the managers perogative to pull out of a deal at any time but your right, its moraly wrong and im sure in the long run people will stop dealing with them so its detremental.
Well i had a deal arranged for him with another manager for £12mil but he pulled out with no explanation just 40mins after confirming it! So if you can match that amount then he is yours.
I would accept £11.5mil no less, i am selling one of my other CB so Pearce is more important to me than letting him go cheap. If you can go to £11.5mil he is yours Rich.
Real frustrating part of the game, Iv had lots of arguements about it, but this time it looks as if wires have been crossed between you 2 managers. Think you should sort it out in private pms mind and not on here.
You said "Ok will confirm next week", in the context of the discussion where in the message previous i had said that if you can give me £11.5mil then you have a deal, i felt that you were saying Ok (we have a deal) will confirm next week (as i do with most managers confirm that the deal has been put on the team sheet). Surely if you weren't agreeing to the deal you would have said i wil let you know or something similar as opposed to ok i wil confirm next week.
Maybe it is just poor communication, as i have said in the past i have known you to be a reliable manager Rich, i am just frustrated that this has now happened twice and i know i am not the only person that feels he has been let down by other managers this season.
Jamie Best Newcastle United Premier League
Genoa - Season 7 Arsenal - Season 6 Inter Milan - Seasons 4-5 Wolves - Seasons 1-3
I was never going to name Rich on here it was just a case that i had been let down and i know of at least two other managers that have had people pull out of deals so i felt i needed to express my frustration! Me and Rich have spoken in private and we have agreed that it was just poor communication on both our parts so no more will be said about it.
And Jop, no!
Jamie Best Newcastle United Premier League
Genoa - Season 7 Arsenal - Season 6 Inter Milan - Seasons 4-5 Wolves - Seasons 1-3
I dont agree with you Simon about private messaging. Terry started throwing accusations around at me for letting him down when all the messages showed different so why not put them in the public domain I think if a manager is willing to make an issue public when the private messages dont support them why not be able to clear your name?
To be fair to Jamie he didnt mention Rich but I understand why Rich posted them
Managers need to be careful groups will form around academies linking teams academies feeder clubs and chairmen. If you go back on too many peoples deals you exclude yourself from group after group
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