Where do u put ur tactics on team sheet, and what tactics is there to choose from, is there no aggression this time, or style of play ie attcking defending, is it only the choice of wingers shoot from distance and the rest. Kenny
Thanks for reply, just on team sheet there is no room for it, and in the rules there is only 1 choice of tactics, unlike old game which had 3 choices for u to make if i remember correctly. Kenny
He said he was away for a week, so he should be back soon, i think Mon , Tues as i think that was when he left. To be totally honest i dont have a clue. Kenny
Richard is flying back into the UK very late Tuesday or very early Wednesday this week - he'll catch up with outstanding queries etc. sometime shortly after that (with presumably some sleep in between!).
Last I heard we were looking at a start date for first matches somewhere near July 7th?
The improvements are different this time round, the talent rating is very important. As far as I know if you are younger and have a high talent rating you are more likely to go up in ratings, if you are older and have a high talent rating you are less likely to go down in ratings. You improve by playing games and doing stuff like keeping clean sheets / scoring goals etc etc. These build up unseen points which eventually lead to improvements. I guess that the higher your talent rating either the quicker you build up points or the less points you need to go up on your stats. The 21 years of age marker is therefore less significant this time round......I think!
21 year old marker from the previous game is gone. Higher talent players improve quicker and decrease slower, older players decrease quicker and improve slower and more rarely, young players the opoosite of old players. It's in the rules I'm sure.
Tactics section has been added so should be fine now. I was fiddling with the forms and must have left it off.