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Post Info TOPIC: Revenue Ideas

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Revenue Ideas

Been thinking about this for a while - and not much of a problem for me currently (but remember it from when i was managing Middlesbrough) - but it seems very difficult to acrue money for budgets if not from selling players - especially for smaller clubs

Was trying to think of ways for the smaller clubs to get other fiancial revenues? Perhaps by regular peices of media? or organising friendlies wi ththe bigger clubs for a share of the gate receipts?

just a kernel of an idea really, and something that each manager can take or leave if they want to. But some kind of idea where cash is directly proportional to the amount of work you put in?

Or perhaps organsing our own mini league competitions outside of the league and cup games where we could wager on the outcome? or all put say 500k in and the winner gets it all? All the setup could be done by the managers themselves - with Richard just occasionally runinng the games for us?

thats as far as ive got so far, and ive got the flu at the moment and off work so might be deranged....!

feel free to add youre thoughts or criticsm!



Man City Manager - English Premiership

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If you can find a way of stopping all the revenue going to the big clubs, I'm sure something could be set up along these ideas. For example, if you set up a mini league whats to stop one of the big European clubs entering and taking £500k off all the other clubs? Thats the only stumbling block - the usual "don't let the gap between big and small clubs increase" argument - so if theres a way of handing out extra funds to small clubs that avoids this, it could be a goer.


-- Edited by Football Academy at 17:55, 2007-08-14


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Thats the trouble ive got with the idea I suppose Richard

Perhaps some sort of limitation so that the clubs that enter these mini comps are mostly evenly matched? Ie

1. the teams could be limited to facing only teams in their league
2. evenly matched competitions - for example Italy Div2 could face off against Spain Div 2
3. Bottom aganst Top - where by the lower teams in one division play the top teams from the division below

something like that anyway - like i said - still thinking it all through. Hopefully other managers can have a brainwave and seal the deal!

Other than mini league its hard to come up with fair ways for All clubs to make extra cash

the only things ive got so far are

1. getting paid to write media release (not just for youre team) and regularly too. Maybe managers can vote for their favourite peice each month and the winner get a small cash injection?

2, Some kind of sponsorship? Where good results / tactics / player signings attract big name sponsors who will inject cash into the club?

3. Gate receipts from Friendlies (maybe limited to only a few a year). Smaller clubs could try facing bigger teams (ie Arsenal vs Chievo) for a small cash return of the gate. More than cash - its also useful to try out tactics on a friendly game where the result isnt important?

ideas welcome guys - struggling to sort out the details!!


Man City Manager - English Premiership

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Your idea about voting for the media pieces is a good one I think Simon. It would encourage more interaction and might get some different people writing.

When would we fit a mini league in the season?

The random event idea could be a good way of getting money to small teams but it has the same risk as the idea of paying to enter a mini league because there is a chance you can lose your money.


who is that man on the sideline in a long coat? mourinho? ferguson? boothroyd? walker!

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My Idea for the mini leagues was more like the recent Emirates Cup that Arsenal held

To be played on a weeknight, 4 evenly matched teams - Winner takes all (was Arsenal - get in!)

Managers would be aware of the risks before they enter, and can weigh up the pros and cons beforehand so if they lose they have no-one to blame

was thinking all teams enter 500k - winner takes £2m - losers dont lose all that much


Man City Manager - English Premiership

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I think that every team by what position they are in the league or how well they manage there clubs money they should be sighned with a sponser and maybe like every 3months they get a list of sponsers to choose from for them 3months and depending how well there teams doing the better the sponsership deals are,just a suggestion,

Plus i think there should be something like gate reciepts and every team has a studium of like 70000 and depending how well there doing the more fans go to the matches and in return more money for the club,each ticket could be maybe 10pound ,just another idea to get money into the game because its really hard for the smaller teams to make money and compete with the bigger names in the game and it will give the game a little more adge as u will be managing the finances aswel.

David ,Athletic Bilbao Manager

-- Edited by dwilson23 at 10:47, 2007-08-17


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Fair ideas, all I would say is again its the "don't let the gap between big and small clubs increase" argument. What you've suggested will mean more money to the successful clubs so gate reciepts will simply supplement the money the big clubs will get at the end of the season for winning competitions.

Also, I don't want to totally even the financial playing field of small and big clubs. FA hopefully represents elements of actual football management which means managing the likes of Athletic Bilbao means different challenges to managing the likes of Real Madrid. Successful managers at small clubs can be rewarded with a job offer from a big club, and successful managers at big clubs might want a new challenge and go to a small club to build a team from scratch. Hopefully it keeps things interesting.

Mentioned above are stadiums, which is an element of the game that could be included ie. control over your stadium and the ability to expand it. The only problem with that is how people have the said control, as I can't see an easy way for people to manage their stadiums that would be easy for new managers to understand straight away. So any suggestions would be welcome.



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Richard yeah i do agree with ur point there and disagree,yeah the big clubs might get more money as there more successfull than the smaller clubs but then again the smaller clubs in the game will still get money and if used wisely like a good manager would they could climb the league,as of now the only revenue for the smaller clubs is to sell there players but what if ur team is full of 6 stats ect,ur not going to get much money for them there for if it stays the way it is the smaller teams r going to get worse as the big teams with the more expensive players streek ahead,atleast with a sponsership or gate reciepts the smaller clubs r getting sum money or to make it fair every team in the leagues get the same money every week,its just a thought.

David ,Athletic Bilbao Manager

-- Edited by dwilson23 at 12:59, 2007-08-17


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Are wages still going to be taken at the end of the season Richard? In the FA of old the small clubs made a loss every season when revenue was taken into account so you will have to sell more players to keep in the black


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2x La Liga trophy // Sevilla
2x Spanish cup // Sevilla
1x Premiership trophy // Man City
2x English cup // Man City
2x European Cup // Man City
1x Segunda trophy // Valencia

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Whats this about wages at the end off the season,av never new anything about this,any 1 giving any info out?

David ,Athletic Bilbao Manager


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Go to the rules page and it's under Other in the second paragraph



Trophy Cabinet

2x La Liga trophy // Sevilla
2x Spanish cup // Sevilla
1x Premiership trophy // Man City
2x English cup // Man City
2x European Cup // Man City
1x Segunda trophy // Valencia

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Cheers Stu

David ,Athletic Bilbao Manager


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"1. getting paid to write media release (not just for youre team) and regularly too. Maybe managers can vote for their favourite peice each month and the winner get a small cash injection?"

I like this idea.

I really think if someone is active there should be a rewards, not just media but general replies. Maybe FA could send standard questions out for interviews and those ho dont reply dont get the "fee"
Im not sure how it would work but I just think active managers should be rewarded

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