I'll take half price for any of these players, alternatively, if you want to take a look at the team and make me a serious offer for any of the other players I'll listen, I need cash and CB's with a defence of 6 minimum.
CM Dani Fornell Age 23 Stats 5 3 5 1 Value 2.5 (I'll take 1.3) Played 5 scored 1 CM Lucas Lobos Age 29 Stats 2 5 6 1 Value 1.4 (I'll take 0.7) ST Nano Age 28 Stats 1 6 5 2 Value 2.4 (I'll take 1.2)
I've added a couple of others if anyone's interested?
CM Dani Fornell Age 23 Stats 5 3 5 1 Value 2.5 (I'll take 1.3) Played 5 scored 1 CM Lucas Lobos Age 29 Stats 2 5 6 1 Value 1.4 (I'll take 0.7) SOLD CM Pablo Age 26 Stats 2 5 6 2 Value 2.9 (I'll take 1.5) ST Nano Age 28 Stats 1 6 5 2 Value 2.4 (I'll take 1.2) ST Matias Pavoni Age 30 Stats 2 6 5 2 Value 2.9 (I'll take 1.5)