Two developments since the last post. One thing I'm now looking to include into the engine is a weather element. Differing weather would change the effectiveness of tactics from week to week. I'm not sure how much work it'll need to include but its one thing I'm hoping to get done by the end of the season.
The other thing is I'm looking to move the game onto its own web address. This will mean we won't have freewebs in the address among other things. This development is as a result of donations managers have given and hopefully will again in the future, so your contributions are much appreciated.
Feel free to leave comments here regarding anything mentioned.
Weather forecasts would be given at the start of the week to allow managers to plan for the conditions. Also it would increase the variation between countries as somewhere like Spain will have far more good condition matches than somewhere like England.
There will be a brief mention in the rules, but I'll try and add the effects of conditions to match play in as similar way to real life as possible. It should also get people thinking about more than one tactic as some tactics will become a lot less efficient in certain conditions.
Also, i dont know if you can add this at all, but a chat room would be good, like MSN, this would allow people to arrange deals quicker as PM'ing someone a number of times can ofen drag out quite a lot, people that are then online a lot can negotiate deals quicker, just another aspect of communication that may benefit everyone, peoples thoughts?
Jamie Best Newcastle United Premier League
Genoa - Season 7 Arsenal - Season 6 Inter Milan - Seasons 4-5 Wolves - Seasons 1-3
There was one on the old game. Freewebs has a function, and I attached it to the old media page. But no one ever used it. I could attach one here as the server also has a feature, but I'd have to upgrade my account here. Its a possibility with the kind donations each season, but I have to weigh up whether there would be enough benefits to make it worthwhile.
Other solutions on that idea are welcome, as its a feature that will be added if people want to use it and if it can be added easily.