I'm looking at getting a fixed web address for Football Academy's main site. This will mean while some bits will remain with 'freewebs' in their URLs ie. the team sheet pages, the main pages (home page and most of the links off that) will be on an FA owned site.
As part of this, I'm considering picking an address thats more likely to attract new managers as well. As you may or may not know, having Academy in the title leads to a lot of African 'wannabe' footballs 'applying to the academy'... a more suited web address may attract more people actually looking for a web game.
In the poll are some names I've already checked for availability. If you've any comments to make on them, the issue as a whole, or any other suggested names to add to the list, feel free to comment.
Im a big fan of keeping it simple so footballacademyevolution.co.uk wins it for me!
But if the name of the game is attracting new players then surely FAmanager.co.uk might be a sound idea considering its presumably hig place in google searches and foot traffic etc
just a thought
ps i honestly cant remember how i came across the original FA? I think i searched for free online football management games after playing Mystify Soccer for a while.
Im not a fan or addresses with "-" in as although it can seem simple it can confuse people.
Also famanager may get typed in while looking for something else to do with the Football Assosiation or a manager game and people may find it this way.
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at ccfc999@hotmail.com
footballacademyevo.com is the best because the messageboard is footballacademyevo.activeboard.com so it's keeping it in the same vein. When Im not on my computer and I go on the website I have to type it in and its easier it its the same sort of URL.
Theres no real need to introduce more managers because there aren't lots of leagues with no managers - in old FA there was the German league which basically nobody was in. And I have already volunteered to get millions of people to join (in my one man crusade - you think im joking?!) if some new leagues are introduced. I would have thought that most of the managers have joined FA from the cardiff messageboard, mystify or word of mouth, so I dont see how much point there would be aiming the name at appearing on search engines
famanager.co.uk - although i'm not from the uk i'm sure most other managers are. The main reason i'd choose this though is because its short. shorter is better for search engines, etc.
famanager.co.uk is best I think because it is short to type, and easy to remember.
In repsonse to Simon about attracting managers, extra leagues may be able to be added if there is enough demand, as there were more on the old game, although these were removed given a lack of managers and lack of time for Rich running things if I remember right!
Is famanager.com or famanager.net taken as they are not uk specific?
fa-evo.co.uk is available. footie-academy.co.uk is available. famanager.com is gone, just the co.uk one left, or .net is there.
The only other ones I came up with was footballacademymanager.com or footymanager.cc or footballmanager.cc which are available if people prefer that to the above one they voted for?
People do come in through word of mouth, but theres only the very commited googlers who come onto the site because it comes up a fair way down the list of results. Ideally FA needs search engine traffic coming in at greater numbers - this will keep manager activity at a peak, and help make sure managers on the game are active and not disappearing.
Preferably I'd like football and manager in the name as thats very to the point. Obviously shorter is easier to remember too.
Thats just the ending, the same as co.uk or com or net etc. Just a different one but co.uk and com are taken for those ones, which is why I've listed them as cc ending.
I dont really like cc i doubt ill be the only one not heard of it and may confuse people. and dont like the idea of a "-" so still famanager.co.uk for me
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at ccfc999@hotmail.com
I work with websites (Content manager) and went to a Search Engine Optomization (SEO) session a couple of weeks ago and the key to getting up the google ladder in terms of becoming number 1 is LINKS.
Basically if you can Rich get a link to FA on as many different sites as possible and also get loads of links on the FA sites as much as possible and name them as best you can i.e. don't have a link saying: for football results Click here It should be: click here for football results
Also one of the best things you can have for SEO is a site map. This is full of links and the search engine spider will go to every page on your site snd return results. So if you have time Rich I would build a site map.
Regarding the name I personally think you should call it something short, because something like www.footballacademyevolution.co.uk is very long and can be more confusing than a "-".
good point Jonathan, I do web development too, and thats as true as it gets in regards to search engines. I came about FA through search engine search, and i'm assuming if it is found easier, much more managers can become active.
in the case of having football and academy.. the best selection would be footballacademy.net (maybe without the dash?)
If anyone can pass on links to other websites, it will only help the game thanks. I already have it up on various key football sites I was able to get it on but I'm sure managers will be attached to other sites.
www.famanager.co.uk has been purchased now. The information is being moved over in the next 48 hours, and I'm hoping that if you put in the old address, you'll be forwarded to the new one, but I'll have to wait and see when its all set up.