All the upgrades I've done behind the scenes have been to speed up the match engine. However it's got to the stage where I can run all the games in a few hours. What takes more time is uploading all the team sheets into the engine.
Currently, there's too many players in the database to give you 11 drop down options with every player name stored in each - I tried this and it just makes the form melt down.
The alternative I have is that every squad is limited to a set maximum. If each line in the squad sheet was given a shirt number I could then produce a form with 11 drop downs letting you pick a number that linked to that player.
EG. If I had Shay Given top of my squad, he'd get shirt number 1. I could then put 1 from a drop down menu on the form, to pick him on my team sheet.
If managers like this idea, I can trial a form with the idea. I won't start unless it gets a thumbs up here.
Positives - It may speed up the uploading time for me. - It will save you typing up all the player names. - It should make picking your team take about a minute to do.
Potential Negatives - You will need to compare names to numbers on the team sheets to avoid picking the wrong number. - A players number will change through the season ie. A striker may be number 23 but if you buy a LM (who would go above him on the team sheet squad list) then the striker would become number 24.
hhhmmmm I think the magin for error on this is pretty big - I appreciate that it down to the manager to make sure everything is spot on and you have everything correct and the right numbers added but would be a shame if someone lost the league/got relagated whatever because they seen teh wrong number ot clicked one down by mistake - itsd pretty difficult to check - although i accept that maybe is the job of the manager
Currently I copy and paste names over to the teamsheet - I find when I see the team that way it gives me a chance to asses things and maybe change before submiting - something else id miss.
If it speeds up the teamsheet a lot then maybe its worth a risk I dont know lol
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at
The team sheet foor me only takes around 1-2 minutes anyway as I just copy and paste. I like it the way it is and dont really see a need for a change as for me, its fine the way it is
Im for it personally on the basis that it speeds up the results
Id also be happy to trial it as well and live by the consequences of ****ing it up?
Surely it only takes a bit of getting used to (like most things in life) and you could just keep an offline excel sheet of your players and there numbers and it woud become like clockwork after a while
If the results could then be done in a few hours - I think that can only be a positive thing
Im sure that Mark will back me up as well. When you run anything (BTO being my example) - ANYTHING that shortens the "admin" time is a benefit and keeps it from becoming a chore
Perhaps (depending on the response it gets here) we could trial it with one league and iron out any teething troubles with Rich - and then it could be rolled out across the other leagues if it proves a success?
Luke I see your point, thats why I've got it down under potential problems that there is room for error as you may not notice where as you might with names. But people do sometime copy and past 1 name twice anyway.
Also, you say you have the Team Sheet page open when filling in the form, so instead of copying names would it not be the same to just copy over numbers? If not say so, but if you've got the team sheet open anyway this should reduce the risk of wrong number choice?
I may set out a dummy run in one of the league. Squad numbers can be put right next to player names on the team sheets, so it's very obvious who is what number - to hopefully avoid mistakes. It would have to be an active league to get manager feedback, because a dummy run would just test manager use of it, not the speed issue. That rules out Serie B and Segunda though due to a lot of new managers in there.
Im for it personally on the basis that it speeds up the results
Id also be happy to trial it as well and live by the consequences of ****ing it up?
Surely it only takes a bit of getting used to (like most things in life) and you could just keep an offline excel sheet of your players and there numbers and it woud become like clockwork after a while
If the results could then be done in a few hours - I think that can only be a positive thing
Im sure that Mark will back me up as well. When you run anything (BTO being my example) - ANYTHING that shortens the "admin" time is a benefit and keeps it from becoming a chore
Perhaps (depending on the response it gets here) we could trial it with one league and iron out any teething troubles with Rich - and then it could be rolled out across the other leagues if it proves a success?
It sure does.
If taking a little extra care checking teamsheets every week helps things, why not give it a go? if it helps get the results out earlier its got to be worth a go.
Luke I see your point, thats why I've got it down under potential problems that there is room for error as you may not notice where as you might with names. But people do sometime copy and past 1 name twice anyway.
Also, you say you have the Team Sheet page open when filling in the form, so instead of copying names would it not be the same to just copy over numbers? If not say so, but if you've got the team sheet open anyway this should reduce the risk of wrong number choice?
I may set out a dummy run in one of the league. Squad numbers can be put right next to player names on the team sheets, so it's very obvious who is what number - to hopefully avoid mistakes. It would have to be an active league to get manager feedback, because a dummy run would just test manager use of it, not the speed issue. That rules out Serie B and Segunda though due to a lot of new managers in there.
Yeah Im not against the idea at all but in a way playing the devils as generally even if i dont pick something up someone else may from something Ive said etc etc
Generally I think well find its easier to skim a teamsheet with names than numbers. Of course I havent done the numbers yet so I cant be certain.For me I believe mistakes will be made but on the flip side maybe thats the managers fault as we should be very precise.
Also im thinking this could be something that new managers finda bit confusing maybe? How many read the rules but im sure they would cotton on
Thinking out load would it be easier to copy and paste numbers rather than having a drop down menu? (or does that take away the point) I always think drop down menus are so easy to click a wrong number either side of what you want.
At the end of the day people in general dont like changeif we had numbers from the start and tried to change it to names we wouldnt like it lol
Just thinking out loud really hoping someone will come up with a better answer
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at
Personally i think it's a great idea, anything that speeds up the game sounds good to me. I also think the trial idea is a good one as any negatives can be highlighted and then we can assess more clearly whether it would be viable or not, as at the moment we are just guessing at problems and positives.
Jamie Best Newcastle United Premier League
Genoa - Season 7 Arsenal - Season 6 Inter Milan - Seasons 4-5 Wolves - Seasons 1-3
Go for it Rich. It will make life a hell of a lot easier for you and quicker running time of the game means quicker results for us. It cant be hard just checking squad numbers aslong as they are written on the team sheet. The only thing i wont like is if its in transfers, Say for eg swap number 11 of Celta Vigo for nuber 13 of Arsenal, i think we should keep to names then Going for the trial sounds good to see how people get on. Im up for trialling it in the Segunda
I'm timing how long it takes just to run the results this week and will post the timing. This will hopefully let you see how much of the time is split between uploading team sheets into the engine, and how much is actually running the games with the upgrades I've made to it now.
Also, I can add a system to the engine to read the numbers, where as I can't for the names due to people potentially mistyping player names, so at the moment it's more manual uploading than I'd like - hence the time it takes.
I think numbers is a good idea, but the margin for error will be greater. What if the manager selects the players' numbers? If this is possible, then when a new player arrives and all the numbers wouldn't be pushed up 1, and if any numbers are misinterpreted, the manager is the only person to blame (aswell as he/she is for clicking on the wrong number).
A test run form will be set up over the weekend to trial the new number system. All teams now have squad numbered players.
I like the idea of managers picking their own numbers Liam, but it introduces a problem of how can the manager easily pick a number without creating more work, and will new managers just miss out giving players numbers?
The number column has gone right in near the names, to try and avoid people using the wrong number.
The form has been altered. Feel free to leave comments in here about it, but I will trial it ans see if it works and if it throws up any problems. Any urgent problems and you can email me.
I am away this week Rich, and have put my two teamsheets in as advised by you, but I only put through names and no numbers!
Also, with the picking of numbers, At the beginning of the season, there is always a gap week. Couldn't managers submit a teamsheet stating the numbers they wanted players to be during this gap? Also, when a player signs mid-season, when they put the deal through on the transfer section, couldnt the new number be stated in there or the comments section at the same time? With new managers, if they don't pick numbers, then they could always be selected as they appear down the list?
But from now on (unless this change is removed) if you send teams in for games in the future ie. you're away on holiday, you'll need to email me using names, as the numbers will change if you make any transfers of course.
I think those that don't have line-up markers were not involved in the cup games. It must have just removed the previous league match line-ups when the cup games were played.
Rich, I have noticed that lately the update has taken quite a while, normally over a couple of days. I appreciate that FA Radio needs to be done first so that those who payed for a channel get their games first, but i thought that this number system would improve the speed of the uploading team sheets etc so it would all be done much quicker. I am not having a go as i and i'm sure all the other managers appreciate the time and effort you put into the team but it has taken quite a while to update recently.
Jamie Best Newcastle United Premier League
Genoa - Season 7 Arsenal - Season 6 Inter Milan - Seasons 4-5 Wolves - Seasons 1-3
No problem with people raising these questions!! This is down to a mixture of two things:
Firstly, this season I've been a season ticket holder for Cardiff City, and as I don't live anywhere near Cardiff, when I go to home games that pretty much takes out a whole day. For example this weekend I went to the Welsh derby, and as such had no time during Saturday to do anything on FA. I haven't renewed for next season though, so after the season ends (and Cardiff have been promoted to the Premiership!!) this won't be a factor anymore.
Second is simply manager numbers. The engine is set up that it would take me 5 minutes to load up every single team sheet into the engine, as they transfer directly now (thanks to the numbers) into the engine. The reason it takes longer, is when I have to fill in numbers for unmanaged teams. So the more managers, actually, the less time it will take me - as strange as that may sound. Hopefully we'll get a few more new managers in before the end of the season as I cleared the last batch of inactive people - so if you know anyone who might be interested, get them involved before the new season kicks off!!