I know things are usually done to aid the workload for Rich but things are also done to make the game as true to real as possible we now have transfer windows etc - just feel the restriction of only 1 loan per week could be developed further some managers dont have the cash or players to use 3 transfer slots so if the opportunity arose to bring in extra players on loan it would help managers get their youngsters out quicker and stop a backlog of proposed deals failing because a manager has forgot about a deal they arranged 3..4...5 week ago
saying that I am in favour of 1 in 1 out but thats just my personal opinion
not many voters on the subject yet tho lets here some other opinions :)
I can understand the extra work that would cause Rich, but what about when we are in pre season for a week we can loan as many players as we want or a max of 5 ? this would mean 1 busy week of deals for Rich but it would also mean that all those players will play from the start and get the games they need
The reason this hasn't been introduced is because people move mid season. Based on some of the options in here, you could use up all of your 6 alotted loan spaces in a few weeks. That then gives an incoming manager no say at all on loans for potentially a long time. By limiting it to 1 a week, it draws the loans out and allows managers to change plans as things develop. Say Chris did all 6 loans in during the space of 3 weeks at the start of the season, then moved. If Simon moved into the club week 4, he could use no loans until week 12 seriously limiting his options if he was at a small club with few funds for transfers.
I can understand your reasoning at the comments but managers also move other weeks during the season so why not introduce a rule that a new manager can recall loan players that were put into place before there arrival - I know Hew might have found that usefull if he had been able to recall a few players that were out on season long loans to a club that itsaelf has lost its manager - the introduction of a cancel loan feature could offset the fact that a manager has no loans to play with.
maybe the lack of input from other managers feel this is a small problem in dealing with loans but if you have very little cash loans are an essential part of a club, managers want to get in players that will improve their squad to compete with chairmans aims at the same time want to move some players out that they want to develope elsewhere, maybe a compramise would be and introduction of additional loan options after the mid season update, after the scouting windows so in effect there are 4 times during the season (1st week, mid season, & 2 scouting windows) that double loans/ cancel loan could be made... just an offer of a compramise :)