Question 1: Would you pay £2.50 to enter the FAFF next season? - I will look into getting a trophy or medal made up for the winner should the uptake be good (only able to send within UK) - There will be other rewards within FA for the top managers of this, like with Beat The Odds.
Question 2: Would you be interested in a feature to pay for your own radio station? - The FA Radio is undergoing an overhaul which will hopefully be done for the new season to make commentary more extensive, and less repetitive. - Should people want it, there is room for buying a radio channel. This would give you your own Channel off the Radio Channel page (eg. Chelsea Radio) that would show commentary of all your home games for that season. This would be a seasonal fee like the donations, however it would be more due to the extra programming and data upload every week. I'm considering a £15 charge but this feature is purely being considered if people are interested. If not it'll be selected matches throughout the year where you may be shown 2 or 3 times a season. Obviously this feature is more up for debate as FAFF has been discussed already and interest shown.
Please check TWO boxes below, one for each question.
You may add comments below as they may be useful gaging interest.
-- Edited by Football Academy on Sunday 18th of October 2009 12:06:37 PM
I created a poll a while ago about money or a scout, I stil think that deciding between £2.5 mil or a scout should stil stand, It will get more transfers about and make the game that bit better, seeing how managers handel there money etc. Obviously this should come at an extra cost of say £2 ?
There will be a slight adjustment to the rewards available to donations to accommadate managers who have no interest in the scouting, however I'm keen to keep people attached to the scouting to avoid big clubs getting players at cheap prices all the time.
2 - im not so sure on. £15 is quite a lot of money IMO. Also the key factor for me would be would the radio channel come on before or at the same time as the vidiprinter? If it was after I wouldnt see much benifit.
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at
Radio Channels would be published at the very least at the same time as the vidi printer. In most cases I will try to publish the radio channels ahead of the vidiprinter however.
What about if your own radio station was part of an increased donation instead of as well as a donation? ie. you could donate £5 and recieve regular rewards like this season, or you could perhaps donate £15 and on top of regular rewards, get a seasons radio channel? This would bring the radio down to £10 looking at it that way, if that makes sense?
If thats a possible interest for you, or if you know you'd want to have your own, could you post so I know which teams are interested (as they'll be slightly customised for each club so it helps if I know who is interested).
Speaking honestly - if the radio was all in (with the standard donation) for a total of £10 a season id sign up immediately - but £15 all in with £10 for the radio is just a little too much for me personally
I don't have a problem with the donation or the figures mentioned and would probably get a Radio channel for my club but i think it was fine with the three 3 games a week previously used.
I just think that something like Radio games should be avaiable for all not just those willing to donate
We'll see. The pricing is there to cover the work as unlike most of the features I try and bring in it does come with an increase in programming and work/time for me, and its on offer as throughout last season I had so many people asking to be on the radio for their country.
There will still be the 3 nations radios running, but take England for example; there are 18 games a week over 22 weeks, odds are you'll only have 2 fixtures shown a season for your club.
Rich, I think you put an aweful lot into the game and I honestly get an aweful out of it. I am prepared to put money in. I would have a channel. Terry.
i would if money was no object! but then i suppose everyone would! lol
i think its a good idea to be honest!!! one thing though, if mark @ mallorca buys one, and i play him in the league, can i view it too, or will it be password protected or something?