idea for next season... was thinking about sell on clauses for players. i know it might sound complicated at first, but it can be entered in the transfer section as normal...
eg. player from club 1 to club 2 for 15m + 10% sell on clause.
a list could be kept (on this MB) of all the players who have these clauses ( and the percentages)so everyone knows.
i think it would help the smaller clubs when selling their new youth stars, the amount, if any can be debated between clubs and if you want to limit it, you could say that only players under a certain age (say 25) qualify for sell on clauses.
Been suggested before as a change. Firstly, it makes transfers more complicated than they need to be, and also means records have to be kept probably on the team sheet pages which are already as big as I want them to be.
Lastly, players values already take into account age and talent so if you buy a player with high potential, you are actually paying for it already.