As the topic suggests i'm on the hunt for a quality LB or RM, i have over £10mil to spend on the right player, would like at least 8 for skill and attack or defence (depending on if its the LB or RM obviously) and preferably under 30. Please PM or e-mail (preferred) if you have a player you're willing to sell.
-- Edited by Besty on Monday 19th of April 2010 05:01:31 PM
Jamie Best Newcastle United Premier League
Genoa - Season 7 Arsenal - Season 6 Inter Milan - Seasons 4-5 Wolves - Seasons 1-3
My targets have changed somewhat and i am now looking for a decent striker with good stats, have £10mil to spend and also willing to exchange my CM Flamini for the right player.
CM Mathieu Flamini (30) 8 4 8 3 (+1 Bonus Pass). Val £10.0mil
Please e-mail or PM me if interested.
Jamie Best Newcastle United Premier League
Genoa - Season 7 Arsenal - Season 6 Inter Milan - Seasons 4-5 Wolves - Seasons 1-3