RM Michael Stewart 19yrs 1 6 6 2 value 3.4m would swop for CB with similar figures.(6 for defence) RB Jose Julian Cuesta 31 yrs 5 3 6 2 value 2.9m will take half. CM Lee Williamson 32 yrs. 2 6 5 3 value 3.9m will take half. Offers welcome...................
The original message was meant that I thoought I was going to log on and see a pic of a beautiful 19 year old girl but instead, I saw a thred about players! For god sake guys!
Hope you both feel as stupid as you sounded! I'm pretty sure that's what Dave referred to and Jop!
TBH i thought of the young 19 year old girl thing when i first read it. I have been chuckling all day to myself but that is my sense of humour. Just like Steve's LOL. Now back to the transfer of the young 19 Year old.
A few remaining...............
RM Michael Stewart 19yrs 1 6 6 2 value 3.4m would swop for CB with similar figures.(6 for defence) RB Jose Julian Cuesta 31 yrs 5 3 6 2 value 2.9m will take half. CM Lee Williamson 32 yrs. 2 6 5 3 value 3.9m will take half. Offers welcome...................