Last chance for people to arrange extensions and set things up for their clubs this season in the next few weeks. Below is a list of links if you haven't already done so.
Club Shops
Each level upgraded in club shops is at a cost of £5 million. (eg. Basic > Small is £5 million, Basic > Medium is £10 million)
Check the Sponsorships area in the link above for the sponsor offers you've recieved for this seasons shirt deal. Once you've decided which one you want to accept, design a shirt with it on.
Stadiums can only be expanded by 5,000 each season, and can only be expanded in amounts of 1,000 (eg. 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k, or 5k a season)
If you are entitled to a 2,000 extension for donating to the coming FA season, this will be given on top of any expansion you want to make. This 2,000 isn't part of the possible 5,000 you can expand. (If you donate you could increase your capacity by 7,000 maximum as a result.)
Ticket prices must be set between £1 and £20, and can only be set in amounts of £1 (eg. £1, £2, £3, £4... etc)
Managers can buy a scout for £2.5 million. One scout can be bought for each of the regions on offer. A scout will provide every manager who paid a list of players available to buy. This list will be on the message board. The lists will appear in 2 windows lasting 2 weeks.
Managers who donated are eligable for a free scout via the reward scheme and as such will not be charged £2.5 million for the 1st scout they purchase.
All clubs have a basic shop to sell shirts out of. Production costs and shirt revenue increases the bigger the shop, as distribution and advertising is better.