Very important, FA has always operated on a season attrition basis that works as follows:
- Players leave pre season with their maximum fitness. - For older players this isn't necessarily 10 fitness. - Every time they play, their seasonal fitness deteriorates. - Resting a player doesn't gain fitness back. - Resting a player does avoid further deterioration.
The other option of course, is to allow recovery. This wasn't possible before but a couple of updates and changes to the game engine over the last 2 seasons have meant it may now be possible, and would result in the following bullet points instead:
- Players leae pre season with a fitness dependent on pre season training camp (>>see here<<) - Every time they play, their fitness deteriorates. - Resting a player allows some degree of recovery dependent on age.
It would allow a different type of man management to take hold.
It would also allow the pre season training camp idea to come in and would mean depending on your training camp, players could start with a slightly higher/lower base fitness, but this could then improve/decrease throughout the season based on the usage of that player.
I know people have previously asked for recovery in fitness, but with it will bring a whole new approach to man management so firstly I don't want people thinking it will make it 'easier' to play old players, it will just be 'different'. Secondly, you've all been playing with the current system for a while now, some a long time, and I want to gauge peoples views on this before considering the effects and introduction of the change, and the pre season camp effects.
As this is potentially an important variation on the rules, the more votes/comments/explanations the better.
I'm with Luke, i like the idea of managing the fitness aspect more but i think a pre season camp would maybe complicate things and also extend the out of season period, when most managers normally just want to get straight back into the groove.
Jamie Best Newcastle United Premier League
Genoa - Season 7 Arsenal - Season 6 Inter Milan - Seasons 4-5 Wolves - Seasons 1-3