I am looking to exchange 2 or even 3 players, if necessary, for a CM or CB with slightly better stats than those listed.
ST Federico Melchiorri 25 yrs 1 6 6 2 value 2.9m LB Giovanni Bartolucci 31 yrs 6 3 7 1 value 2.6m CM Alejandro Alfaro 29 yrs 3 6 6 2 value 4m CM Wellington Monteiro 29 yrs 7 2 5 2 value 2.6 m
There must be someone out there wanting utility players. Must be 29 years or under.
I thought you might want a deal to consider whilst we wait for the game to continue.
ST Federico Melchiorri 25 yrs 1 6 6 2Sale 1.5m value 2.9m LB Giovanni Bartolucci 31 yrs 6 3 7 1Sale 1.3m value 2.6m CM Alejandro Alfaro 29 yrs 3 6 6 2 Sale 2 m value 4m CM Wellington Monteiro 29 yrs 7 2 5 2 Sale 1.3mvalue 2.6 m