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Week 18


Issue 24: Release -- Monday 15th August.


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Manager of the Month awards announced.

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The Roma board have called in manager Jonathan Petty in for an important meeting sparking rumours his time at the club is coming to an end.



Andrea Della Valle has arrived in Spain for talks about making a bid for Athletic Bilbao this lunch time, but admits he has no interest in 'long drawn out negotions' to get back into football.


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Managerial Merry-go-round Update

The FA have released a detailed list of managers who will be out of contract at the end of the season given the current situation. These managers are not only watching their contracts coming to an end, but also they have no one year extension clause for either themselves or their chairman.

Jonny Sinclair has had some success in recent seasons at Parma however is embroiled in a relegation battle to survive in Serie A this season despite a fantastic opening month of results, which had led them to sit in the European qualification places for a while.

Stuart Price has led Valencia back from the trauma or being relegated under the previous regime out of the top flight in one of the lowest moments in the clubs history, and returned them to the top four in the league and European football. However as one of the most experienced and highest paid managers in Spain, whether a team who look unlikely to win silverware are prepared to be stumping up that sort of cash to keep him remains in question.

Johndaniel Jaques at Cadiz has worked hard in his second spell in charge of the club to get them back on a stable footing. The once most heavily in debt club in football can thank Johndaniel Jaques for steering them to financial safety before new owners came in and kept him on. However last season the chairman used the one year extension clause in his contract and so now could see the manager leaving this season on a free.


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During the match against Chievo there was a missing person on the bench in the Genoa camp. Manager Callum Ward chose to sit with the fans and watch from the stand instead.


Q) Were you disappointed not to score more against Chievo?

(A) I have looked at their games of late and they always create very little. They must play very defensive so I didn't expect us to score ten. A win is a win. In all the games we scored five or six nobody praised us and we didn't win more than the three points so at this time of the season when managers are getting sacked for not meeting targets I think we can all agree a win is a win.


(Q) Why were you not on the bench with the rest of your coaching staff?

(A) The media has decided to pick me out as a target. They like to turn the heat up on managers and see how close to the edge they can push us. We live in a world where you can be sacked for pressure caused by the press. I wanted to show the press and the board that the fans won't rip me up at the first sight of me. It isn't often the manager gets a fans view of the pitch on match day and the fans are often pushed away from the manager.


(Q) Do you think the board really want you out?

(A) I have a contract for another year here. I am on track to meet the league target and we have played well in the cups all season. We managed to get a draw against the unstoppable Juventus and the media turn on me. Who else has managed to draw with them in Italy? We didn't beat them and it would be a huge shock if they didn't win the league title this season but the draw shows we are capable of competing with the best team Italy has seen in a decade.


(Q) Would you have done anything different?

(A) I don't think anybody can expect us to have taken the league by storm. Other managers might have had money to spend but managers waste money. Players had to be sold when I came in and they had to be sold for less than the club probably paid in the first place. Teams like Fiorentina in Italy have been built on old players for instant success and it doesn't last. Would the board have been happy funding top old signings every season to compete? I spent the money as wisely as I thought and the players who came in have all performed well and are all at an age they can still improve.


(Q) Do you think you will have a job at Genoa next season?

(A) You would have to ask the chairman that, but if the media has its way I'm sure I'll be one of the favourites to get sacked.




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Leicester boss happy to be left out of fun of the fair

Amid speculation this week regarding the futures of a number of managers across the European game Leicester City boss Mark Rollings has spoken of his desire to remain at the club, and emphasized how happy he was to be omitted from any talk of managerial merry-go-rounds as the season entered its final quarter. The Foxes sit four points clear of promotion rivals Aston Villa but the young Welsh boss if fully aware what is expected of him over the coming weeks.

"The chairman wants promotion and that is what I have been tasked to deliver. We are working to a three year plan here and part of that includes ensuring we are playing Premier League football next year. I have spoken all season about how much respect I have for the managers in this league and it will be a great battle for second with two top managers in Martin Turney (Aston Villa) and Jackie Yeo (Everton). Whoever gets that second spot will truly deserve it because between the three of us we have only lost 6 games all season. We play Everton this week knowing we can all but knock them out of the running while taking a massive step towards the top two so that is no little motivation."

Finally Rollings was asked on how he thought his chairman would react should he not deliver promotion this season.

"For starts we aren't even thinking about failure. I have total confidence in the players at this football club to get the job done and win promotion. I have a great relationship with the chairman here and we share the same vision for the future. After this season I have a year left on my contract and I know it is up to Steve (Jenkins) to decide on the direction he wants to take but I am settled. I don't have to leave this club to achieve my career aspirations and can build something to be proud of. I feel very privileged that in my opinion I am manager of one of the up and coming clubs in Europe and have a fantastic relationship with the fans here. It is all set up for Premier League football!"


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Napoli Manager Supports Fellow Serie A Manager Callum Ward

Napoli boss Andy Fletcher today came out to support Callum Ward.

"Personally I think he's done a great job, he's obviously feeling a bit down due to unfair criticism but as he identitifes, this is what we know we are getting involved in, the Italian press can be harsh and fans and chairman alike want success. In my experience if it happens to quickly it can go very wrong and Genoa have made a steady push to the top flight. Callum has bought some decent players and I'm sure he's not given up hope yet on winning the title. Anything can happen in the final games so you cant give up until the maths no longer work. If it doesnt' happen for Genoa this year then I can see them being there the next."


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Roma have extended the contract of manager Jonathan Petty rewarding his charge to 4th in the table so far this season.


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(Q) Are you confident ahead of your match with Inter Milan?

(A) I always back my team to get a result and I'm sure today will be no different. Inter are a great team with a good manager in charge but we've done our homework on them and we go into the match confident.

(Q) Did you get a chance to read the comments from the Napoli manager?

(A) It was nice of Andy to show life in Italian managers isn't dead. We get the Atalanta column each week but that shouldn't make all of Italy mute, think of the power you're giving the column writer then. Italian football will only survive if teams turn up and fight Juventus for every point so its nice knowing going into the game that Andy is on the ball and I wish his team luck.





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I can report that after several weeks of a "news" blackout Terry Manifold has invited me to the match this evening and promises to give me an hour of his time. What he will talk about I am not sure but I will publish the interview in the near future.


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            A. C. Siena 

You can only try your best! 

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Siena  News

Terry Manifold was true to his word this evening and did invite me into the Sports Lounge after the match. After the pleasantries were over I asked the Siena manager why he had changed his mind on his self imposed News Blackout.


I think the season has progressed sufficiently for me to be in a better position to report on Sienas season so far. I stopped writing up the team when the results didnt quiet match the publicity. I now feel the side has settled down and the future is a little brighter.


Have you finished the rebuilding of the side?


I don't think you ever become completely satisfied with a football team. You can only improve the side up to a point on your own. The finances available, the quality of the players, whether the tactics you employ are right for the team and Lady luck are all elements that can either click in or just fall down on. I am reasonable satisfied with the current side. I have tried unsuccessfully, over the past month, to conjure up a few changes but the market seems dead out there. We are being priced out the market. If the Chairman gave me 10m this weekend I may struggle to get two new players in. Player exchanges would be more than likely out of the question.


You did say you had an interest in Evertons LB Antononino Barilla, Joaquim Millan of Cadiz and Alessandro Tamai of Recreativo Huelva. Did nothing come of your approaches?


No and I have unsuccessfully tried at least seven other clubs this last fortnight without any luck. The majority of managers never replied. I still believe we will be in the play offs but worry that even if we were to be successful this season in beating Atalanlta to  Serie A, we wouldnt be strong enough to stay there. We are short of at least 2 quality players. I would love to add to the back line and an attacking CM would also help to  lift the side. When you consider that the 10m would not even buy the two, you start to appreciate the problem.

Pricey at Atalanta has put a very good side together without spending a fortune. The value of his team is less than ours. His defence is young and the goalkeeper has to be quality. I am familiar with Scott Sinclair, I signed him when I was manager there. They have, however, dropped 2 points today which is interesting.


Whats the future hold for you then?


Not sure. I am happy here and see the team as an extended family but this will be three attempts at winning promotion for the Chairman. If I can't do it this year there may have to be changes. I could get the sack! This year the expectations from Chelsea never materialised. I have brought in a couple of loans but they have come from other clubs. Danny Hoeson has not really enjoyed it here and as such has not made a real impact. Whatever happens Siena have a decent side that are knocking on the door.



-- Edited by Tezza on Saturday 20th of August 2011 02:47:21 PM

            A. C. Siena 

You can only try your best! 

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DJIBRIL CISSE vows La Liga new-boys Deportivo have been the Barcelona of the Segunda and can continue their style into next season.

The Galicia club, who this weekend confirmed their promotion to La Liga, have been busy earning a reputation of playing Barca-style football this season.

Now ex-Liverpool forward Cisse, who scored his ninth goal of the season in today's match against Getafe, is adamant the reputation will continue.

He insisted: "We've a good side and are going to play football.

"We'll try and keep attacking and keep creating chances and are going to pass it around. We won't just sit back and keep scores down, we'll play attractive football and hopefully be rewarded.

"I'm so happy and excited we're in the La Liga next season.

"People will tip us to go down again like all the promoted teams but we want to break the mould. What's the point of working hard to get into La Liga to then sit back and defend for 90% of the matches? It isn't our way and we want to show people what we can do."

Deportivo might be favourites to get relegated already before this season even finished but manager Kenny Nicholson has told fans he is in talks over a new contract and is determined he will not leave the club as a job half finished.

He told fans: "The football this season has been well received by the fans and I've worked hard to sign players good enough to take that mentality into La Liga. I would be showing no faith in the team or mentality I've built up if I moved on at the end of my contract in a few weeks time. The chairman has opened talks over a new deal and I'm keen to get something signed. Sure we might take some heavy losses next season but I'll take the rough with the smooth and if we go down, I want us to go down swinging, but I believe we can spring a surprise."


-- Edited by Kenny on Saturday 20th of August 2011 10:17:38 PM

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