I can view mine ok Rob. Although it has changed format recently and i now view them differently. Might be worth trying to view them using chrome or firefox if your using IE
Dunno if your doing the same as me lads, but theres now a scroll down option once you have opened the message. The reason i couldnt see it was because it was out of sight. Scroll down and you will see them This is if you have had more than 1 message off the person you are talking to
I have 2 I cannot see. The message has only come on since the style changed. I have been through every page of my PMs which is a lot and none of them are in bold so I have not missed any. It happened a while back when some thing on here changed and I had a ghost PM that could not be found. I just think it must be an error on the notice.
Well few days ago I had 7messages I couldn't see. Its then dropped down to 2
Ive been deleting messages for the last 30mins and its down to 1 message but tbh im bored of it now as these messages are two years old and I have no idea how long I could be doing this for.
Rich can u just delete all my PM's?
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at ccfc999@hotmail.com
yeah they seem to be old messages for some reason they come up on my news feed bit so it was easy to get rid of them i only had 5 and they were when i was at Cagliari if anyone was wondering haha