"FA Coaching Badges are the one feature no one will see initially. A window will open each season briefly giving managers the chance to take a test. To take the test they can either pay using their manager wages or using a Football Kit Token they have either won in a side game or have been rewarded with for inviting an active new player into the game that season. Each level of FA Coaching Badge a manager achieves will have its own little bonus rewards which could range from "Fitness Boost" ability to "Tough Wage Negotiation" that reduces your players wages slightly.
This will hopefully encourage managers to build up their own manager profile, picking bonus skills that suit their style of management that they can take with them from club to club. It will also give managers another way of spending their managers wages."
This section is almost complete and the first managers will be able to take a course possibly as early as next week in attempting to pass Level 1. Currently the only managers with a Football Kit Token are Craig Radford and Jonnie Adams who, as part of the pre-season offer posted in here, got someone to join the game and remain active.
The current bonus skills that can be won are: Chairman Meeting (chance to improve chairman rating in Club Stats), Radio Interview (chance to improve fan rating in Club Stats), Fitness Trainer (chance to boost fitness of one player), Wage Negotiator (chance to lower wage demands of whole squad). There is likely to be one or two more before this section opens though.