I'm working on various changes for next season, as you've seen one element I'm considering is the "Co-op" stats (Teamwork - but name had to be shortened).
One thing I'd like peoples opinions on is a Form stat. I can generate form in two different ways:
Last match form - This will show the rating out of 10 the player got in the last match he played.
Average season form - This will show the running average of the players form in all the games that season he has been picked for.
I'm interested to see which people would prefer. I've tried putting both in, but it looks rather clustered then on the team sheet, and I think really one form rating would be fine on its own. So, just collecting opinions now, which would people prefer?
-- Edited by Football Academy at 12:51, 2008-10-22
Im going to say average just because (correct me if im wrong) I dont think current form has an impact on the next game? so would be sort of pointless in some ways.
I think average gives you more insight into the player and his form.
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at ccfc999@hotmail.com
Form should be used as a review of the players performance not as a direct indicator of upcoming form.
The advantage with last match form is you can see specific to that match, where as with average form later in the season that might not change much.
The advantage with average form is you get a sense of the whole season, where as last match form unless noted down would then be lost the next week replaced with the new match rating.
I think its down to managers preference as both will do a similar job really.
FaIr point Stew but as well as your own players wouldnt you be just as interested in other teams players form....maybe the team you play or a player youw ould like to sign?
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at ccfc999@hotmail.com
Waht if you could do something like they do on the old championship manager games and the form from the last 5 games ? Or would that be to much work ? Iv voted for last game form by the way
I would agree something similar to Gareth. Form for the past month,ish. It does help with your team selection. It is not a definite stat, but what is? Tezza
GarethGardner wrote:
Waht if you could do something like they do on the old championship manager games and the form from the last 5 games ? Or would that be to much work ? Iv voted for last game form by the way
I had voted for avaerage form, but thinking about it if a player has a high score for his form for the last game then Id be more likely to pick him, so perhpas form from the last game would be better. However, is there any way of adding both or will that just be too much information on the teamsheets and/or too much work?
But just because he played well in the last game it doesnt mean he will the next game as form has no effect...at least with average form you can make jusgement on his general form.
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at ccfc999@hotmail.com
But just because he played well in the last game it doesnt mean he will the next game as form has no effect...at least with average form you can make jusgement on his general form.
If form has no effect, why do we need a form stat?
Manager Reading FC English League One robefc02@hotmail.co.uk
I really dont think there should be one - a player's performance is all relative to the players around him - an average ST in a top team will play poorly, while an average player in a poor team will score a lot of goals.
Or a good ST in a team that has a midfield with lots of passing bonuses would score much more than a very good ST who is playing behind a poor CM, or one with shooting bonuses.
It will also depend on what tactics are played - a ST with shooting bonuses wont score as much if he's playing in a team playing counter attack, and a player with speed bonuses wont score as much in a team playing distance shooting.
So ratings wont aid managers, as it will be good for those who also look at the players around them - something you can do anyway with just the stats as they are at the moment
yeh, I suppose - but people were talking as if it were a way to judge a player's quality - and I dont think it would work like that
It would be useful to have a previous game rating because then you could see which stike partnership worked best, or something like that. But in terms of judging your own team, surely their position in the league would tell you how well they played?
Yeah I dont think it could be used to judge a players quality alone.
Not really...for all I know Ianotti (my LM) could be playing really badly for me but the likes of Iniesta, Aimar and Aqualini have kept my team afloat. Could give me an inight into changing Ianotti or maybe changing formation to suit the better players or the players who are playing well.
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at ccfc999@hotmail.com
I am now confused about how a form stat will effect things as Man City says it has no effect on the next game. Surely this is not right because if the form he had in the previous game does not affect anything in the future I dont see the point of it??
Perhaps Richard could clarify the whole idea before he introduces it so its clear.
If a player in real life plays well one week what does it tell you? It tells you he had a good game, maybe that he was suited to the set-up (formation, team mates etc.) around him... it doesn't guarentee he will play well next weekend though.
The idea of form is to act in this way, and help managers evaluating their team for the next match. I assume you look at who plays well via who is scoring goals, setting them up, whether clean sheets have been kept etc? If so, a form stat would give you another way of evaluating players in this way.
As Talent has no effect on match games because it is totally used for player growth, so form would have no effect during the 90 minutes on the pitch, but would be used in other ways - ie. aid evaluation by the manager.
Obviously if people don't think this would be useful, it won't be added. But something thats been asked for numerous times is player ratings in the results pages to see who played well - so this is a development on that idea.
Sorry if I sounded like a numbskull but your explanation has helped. Having seen what you say it would be a good addition to the game. I think avaerage form would be better than form in the last game, although if both can be added then that would be better.
I have tried adding both and it looks quite cluttered on the team sheet page, plus the less rows the less scrolling managers have to do, and the easier it is to compare players. Average Form will obviously be a little irratic at the start of the seasons where as Last Match Form is very zoomed in on the most recent performace so prior ratings would get lost unless managers note them down.
Having a previous 5 game form would be a middle ground, but I haven't been able to get that into the engine how I have these other 2 so its not an option right now, although I'll keep fiddling with the form away from the game and see if its something I can do for the future.