I know it has been brought up before and there have been good reasons (mainly time constraints on WD's part) for doing things the way they are. However, I think they would be a really good improvement and maybe with a few peoples help it wouldnt be too difficult for WD to add into the game.
At the moment players fitness levels only drop all season. This is of course realistic but there is no way of resting your players to improve their fitness levels.
I was thinking of a system that could work to introduce this and came up with this;
Maybe if a player was rested for 4-5 consecutive weeks then their fitness could improve by 1 or even half if it was introduced. Then maybe if the player reached ten rested weeks over the season he could also go up 1? I appreciate the complexities of keeping up with this on WD's part but it could just be another column on the team spreadsheets or even a couple of volunteers (to avoid cheating) could moderate the stat and supply the information?
It would add another element in squad management and mean those older pro's wouldnt die!
Its just a thought, simple as it is, I think it could add a lot!
I don't think your suggestion holds too much water Mark. If you are willing to rest a player for almost half a season, his fitness won;t be affected that much anyway. Rested for 10 games for 1 fitness point seems abit of a waste of time for Rich if I'm honest mate.
I dont think it makes any difference, you know at the start of the season that if you play a player every week he will eb tired towards the 2nd half of the season....ive always rested players in the first half of the season and especially at Man City I had next to no "out" players. Just need to plan
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at ccfc999@hotmail.com
I just think in real life if you rested a player for 3 weeks he would come back comepletely recharged. In this game it doesnt work like that currently!
At present the engine isn't set up to allow a record of who played in which specific games so I can't set it to backlog that data. Plus as Luke says you can get the same results, you just have to be proactive instead of reactive and rest before they're about to die of fatigue.
Yeah i mentioned something like this before sparky and it does make sense in some ways but its not worth it if its going to take rich days to sort especially considering it doesnt really make any difference.....I think its just a case of rotating at the right times.
AT Man City i used to rest the older players at the start of the season against the big boys when i knew i wasnt going to win....i dropped down the league at the start of the season but the 2nd half when everyone else is falling apart my team were fresh and ready to go and it worked.
I suppose it depends on the squad you have or build...this season at Milan my players are a lot older so its not going to be so easy to keep them fresh but that was a choice i made at the start of the season.
Cardiff City manager - PM or Email at ccfc999@hotmail.com