Personally I don't think FA Final Score is anything more than a goal count, so not sure it needs any other stats in it. Obviously if lots disagreed with me I'd look at it, as its fairly easy to do but will just take up more room on the screen.
One thing you may notice in the next week or so is a wage counter. This should go up every week recording your seasonal wage bill which will be paid end of the season. This has previously happened out of view but may slot in near the Full and Half season loan counter at the top of each team sheet.
No worries, just thought that it would be cool to see:
Reggina 4 - 0 Ascoli: Rubiato (Van der Vaart)
Here's a question Rich: If a goal is produced by a player who scores it e.g. The player goes on a good run, could they get an assist for the goal they scored? or is it just the last person to touch it before them?