Chairman option
The rules and options available to this will be updated over the Christmas holiday while work eases up for a bit. The rules will be tightened to encourage greater general activity and to benefit both the chairman and the club they own. Further options will be available to the chairman as well, with mor...
Football Academy
Friday matches
Rich, Would it be possible to send out an e-mail to all Radio Station owners when the Friday match is ready to be broadcast? I know from watching the guests and Members "on-line" that we do visit the program, on a Friday night, many times waiting for transmission. Your Weekender gave me th...
Football Academy ~the weekender~
Football Academy will this week release the first of the weekender which will be a short look across the divisions at matches, clubs, managers and player performances. Ideally it will allow most of my media pieces to go into one place, but also will hopefully make it easier for managers to view and enj...
Football Academy
5-12-10 Update
Some of you may have already spotted the latest round of changes but just as a heads up for those who haven't there are a few new bits to view. The league tables have been updated, they will carry data on the runs teams have gone on. Hopefully this will run continuously from season to season and will hopefu...
Football Academy
Cup matches
For the first time in the game I am through to a higher round in the Cup. I do notice however, that there is no finantial advantage to getting though to a higher round. (He would say that wouldn't he) Surely a bonus must be earned when extra matches are played especially away to higher clubs. Just a thought...
Youth Academy Feature
An aim of mine has always been to incorporate youth football in FA, after all Football Academy as a game name lends itself to such a feature!! Equally I have been looking for an alternative way for managers to spend their manager wages they earn in the game, as apposed to simply buying clubs. As some of yo...
Football Academy
New Feature
A new feature will be revealed at some stage this season. I have been looking at other ways for managers to spend their wages and the new feature when it's revealed will offer an alternative way for managers to spend this money as apposed to just using it to buy clubs. There will be no build up to the featur...
Football Academy
Club Info
One new feature I've been working on the coding for is the club info pages. They will be showing up from now on, although a few sections haven't been added yet so you'll see the data inside the Club Info develop over the next few weeks hopefully as I activate different pieces inside it. Club Info will give...
Football Academy
Web Address
With renewal approaching, I'm just looking for opinions on this. Richard.
Football Academy
Season 8 Teaser
Below is the first look at part of one of the new upgrades next season. With the fitness system being overhauled, a pre season will be required for managers to pick before their first game of the season. This will have an effect on a number of attributes such as the level of fitness at which players start...
Football Academy
prize money
rich just a quick question is there any chance that you wold be able to show us what prize money we would get for finishing in every position in the league and getting through every round of the cup? may help managers buget better if not no worries just a tought
FA Radio 2.2
FA Radio 2.2 has been put onto the site. Updates to the previous version include: - Pre match Team News updates - Pre match Player Information - Kit Design Uploads available - Greater depth of player analysis FA Radio 2.2 is part of an update, the rest will be installed before the new season kicks off for...
Football Academy
League Tables
The League Tables have now been upgraded ready for next season. They should now record teams form within the last 5 matches and show it as part of the league table. Obviously it will start from this week so will only have this weeks in for now but will build them up over the weeks. Hopefully this will be a us...
Football Academy
Main Page
If you think you can't find something you're looking for, thats probably because its been moved now. The main pages of FA has been due a facelift for a while. You'll notice over the next week things moving about. It's all still there but the arrangement is being changed to hopefully make it easier for yo...
Football Academy
Very important, FA has always operated on a season attrition basis that works as follows: - Players leave pre season with their maximum fitness. - For older players this isn't necessarily 10 fitness. - Every time they play, their seasonal fitness deteriorates. - Resting a player doesn't gain fitne...
Football Academy
Ideas (S8)
Looking into a few simple changes for next season, don't want any major changes. Looking for ideas, and/or comments on these ideas. Pre-Season - Pick of 1 training camp from a selection of worldwide places. Could cost the team a fee but each camp would have a different effect on the squad ie. enhanced f...
Football Academy
Next Generation Development
Football Academy
Extending Loans
Dont know if this has been mentioned before but is there any chance we could extend loans. I have a player on half season loan to a club who want him to return after the update. Surely it would be easier and save loan slots if we could just extend the loan. Any thoughts.
Season 7 work
Work is happening for season 7 although no massive changes are planned, here is what is being worked on/considered for you to discuss during the last few days of the season, and the update weekend. First of all, the team sheet page will be shrunk hopefully. A few people have commented on this and each se...
Football Academy
Will the wages rule make the lower leagues boring for managers?
Answers on a postcard..... The other question to this is, will it make it harder for teams to loan out players in the future and therfor hinder the development of younger players. I understand that younger players are on less wages but if a player comes through with stats like 21-3-8-9-4 1 x Pass Bonus V...
With this weeks update should be showing wages for each team. This is a wage bill for the season and so each week it will increase, with the final team sheet showing you the exact wage bill you'll be paying in the close season for the last 23 weeks. Hopefully this is useful and is a move begin to allow financ...
Football Academy
Inactive managers
Just throwing this one out there after lots and lots of emails sent to which no reply's. Is there any chance of having a monthly list of inactive managers or those that have left the game and not had there details removed. Its very frustrating when you spend time sending emails and offers and get no reply...
Scouting system debate
Just an idea. Would it be better to have either a secret deadline so people dont throw all their bids in at last minute, or a secret price. Ie if a player starts bidding at 4 mill. Maybe Rich can have a set top range price for him that nobody knows about to stop the bidding, say for example 7 mill. I just think i...
Rich, How difficult would it be to add who assisted the goal on Final Score? Cheers
Team Selection
Over the past year I have made 2 mistakes with my team selection. It was suggested that this type of mistake could happen when the number system was introduced. I just wondered if it were possible that after you have entered the player numbers you could see the team formation chosen with the players sim...
Team Sheet change?
All the upgrades I've done behind the scenes have been to speed up the match engine. However it's got to the stage where I can run all the games in a few hours. What takes more time is uploading all the team sheets into the engine. Currently, there's too many players in the database to give you 11 drop down o...
Football Academy
FA Radio 2.1
FA Radio 2.1 has been put onto the site. Updates to the previous version include: - Pre match Team News updates - Increased match commentary database - Increased manager action commentary
Football Academy
The section for sponsorships should be up to view now. Please don't fill in the form yet as there is still a bit of rules writing and finishing off that needs to be done, but the data is all there to view and the shirt design system is available for you to look at. Any comments please leave in this thread to ke...
Football Academy
Club Facilities
Currently, items such as the club shop are available to bid on via auction for managers to use their wages on or bank balance on. This limits the number of teams getting improved facilities. A different option is to have a form where you can select to improve your facilities. This means you could buy imp...
Football Academy
There are a few changes starting to be included this week. It's nothing major but I'm getting work out of the way ready for next season. This will include some changes on the team sheet layout to hopefully reduce the space it takes up, as well as some new commentary included into the Radio engine, among o...
Football Academy